
15:30 - 19:00

מיקום: Naim Studio in Jaffa, Ben Gamliel 12


A magical PRACTICE of sound, movement and silence .

Sophia Tuv-VOICE ALCHEMY Lea Laser ( Lila) ARUNA YOGA


HE VOICE ALCHEMY  with SOPHIA  is an invitation to dive deeper into the beautiful gift of our own unique voice and experience the wonder and benefits of singing together  .When we connect to our voice we connect to our heart. With our voice we can transform and heal ourselves and others around us . Singing and sounding together has been used from time immemorial for  Celebrating and storytelling . Gathering and sharing in this way can heal grief and shift stagnant energy within. It is the most ancient and primal way to connect to ourselves , others and to Infinity   in this human body . 

This is truly a joyous experience ! If you can talk you can sing - no prior experience needed. This is your birthright- It is the Yoga of Nhad (sound ) & Bhakti Yoga.


Let’s talk about life ,death, possibilities and let’s meet your inner teacher. The warrior of love is courageous. Come release your vibration to the world. This is the Radical Reclamation of Self. JOIN US


What will be in the workshop:

  • 15:30  Assembly of Warriors
  • Sophia Grounding Music
  • Introduction, Glimpse into Workshop 
  • 16:00-17:20- Releasing the elements with Lila( Aruna Yoga , Pranayam , clearing)
  • 17:15- break-
  • 17:30 Voice Alchemy with Sophia
  • 18:30 Savasana  practice,Ecstatic Warrior dance, integration
  • Closing words


The workshop will take place at Naim Studio in Jaffa, Ben Gamliel 12, on 23/07 between the hours of 15:30-19:00


The cost of the workshop:

  • 180 NIS for studio subscribers
  • 200 NIS without subscribers


-The workshop will be delivered in English-


To register, click here


More from Lea's words:

During the last few months I have been asked to start a teacher training module. Although I feel  as if I have evolved a lot during my years, I have no drive as yet to create a teacher Training course. I have a lot less ideas about how things needs to be. Anyone that says that they know the way, creates a narrow perspective and this is irrelevant to what point of view they hold. When I was 10 years old my science teacher, Mrs Isaacs taught us the law of conservation of energy.It was as if I understood everything in the universe and yet I had no idea how it applied practically to my life.Over 30 years passed (with momentary glimpses into what made sense) before the door opened to the world that I experience today.  My Ashtanga yoga teacher  used to repeat “ Stay in the question” . Staying in the question leaves me open to observe, to experience and to be curious. The question always remains. The answers will change and we all know that change is inevitable.  Mooji’s teaching  radically changed the way I experience everything including yoga and yoga forms. I feel that everyone is their own teacher and the process of practicing yoga after learning a technique is organically expressed in a skill that we all manifest in our own way. So many ways and everyone is still searching.

Releasing “the teachings” happens when we start to radically reclaim our inner power and trust in Nature, the Divine and connect to the wisdom in all things not made by man. Man made…who made Man? Yet how do we release? We use the yoga techniques with awareness.


Often in class I use the metaphor of coming down the mountain from the place of having achieved something, learnt something, , taking off your socks and shoes, stretching your toes while placing your feel into Mother Earth, feeling the sand, mud, earth,  grass and letting go of every idea, belief and effort you have made and just be.

It is from here we start our deep practice , noticing our tendencies, our incessant mind and watch the program of our mind rush by as we experience whatever anxiety, fear come up forcing us to continue in the another way only to find that you may need another way to get where you think we are going.


Waiting to see you


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