Mysore Yoga classes are thought Sunday to Thursday morning classes (07:30-10:00 am) in which you can have your own practice with a personal guidance and group energy.
Friday Mornings 9:30am we have a counted full Vinyasa yoga class.
This morning I practiced
It was very simple.
I unrolled a mat, said a few words softly to myself, and began.
Nobody asked me to “open” or “expand” anything.
I was not instructed to take anything from one level to another.
No one asked me to “melt” any part of my body.
It was never suggested that I should “embody” some concept or another.
I didn’t hear anyone “speak their truth”.
No one assured me that I could “manifest” anything I wanted.
It was never suggested that I would be happier if I bought some new product.
I wasn’t told to pursue any bliss.
Spirit was neither mentioned nor invoked.
No one used the word “energy”.
Nobody implied that I could be stronger, more beautiful or more free than I currently am.
In fact, no one spoke at all.
I spent two hours moving through a familiar sequence of poses. I did this practice in a warm, quiet room listening to my breath and the breath of those practicing nearby. I was assisted by a gentle and patient human being who, for the most part, left me alone to do my work. At the end of my practice, I lay on the floor completely still for a long time.
When I was done, I quietly left.
People smiled at me on my way out. I smiled at them.
I will practice again tomorrow.
-By Eric Jeffers.