Dharma Mittra Yoga

A challenging vinyasa Yoga series created by New York’s Sri Dharma Mittra. It reintegrates the flow of prana through the spinal column and emanates deep into all areas of the physical, metabolic, intuitive, and bliss bodies, promoting harmony within all these layers so a concentrated state of radiant health is achieved. Shiva Namaskara Vinyasa Yoga have been embraced by Yogis from all styles, for the unique integration of the classical spirit of true Yoga in a completely thorough mobilization of the corporeal body. It will bring contentment, merging complete identity with the true self, the goal of Yoga. The class begins with the vinyasa – a flowing sequence of balancing, stretching, back bending, twisting and inverted postures, followed by a specific series of static, meditative poses and concluding with a deep relaxation, pranayama and a short meditation practice.