Tamar Gutherz – Pilates, Gyrokinesis

Gyrokinesis is a holistic movement method that addresses the functioning of the entire organism and seeks to enhance it. Incorporating elements of yoga, dance, tai chi, swimming, and pilates—Gyrokinesis has the unique quality of being extremely physical and deeply meditative at the same time. Awakening the body from the inside out, we begin sitting on a chair with gentle spinal movements and breathing patterns, and move on to floor-work using a mat. We start slow and build up to a challenging flow with lots of spiralling and waving movements. In this class we will work on improving flexibility, strength, posture, joint articulation, and coordination. We will research efficient alignment in all planes of motion and exercise our deepest core muscles to support the body as a whole system and release anything that we don’t need.

Tamar Gutherz is a certified Gyrokinesis and Gyrotonic Instructor and also teaches Pilates, ballet, improvisation, and modern dance in TLV. She is originally from Virginia, USA and has a BFA in Modern Dance Performance from University of The Arts. She was introduced –and fell in love– with Gyrokinesis at school, when she got a serious injury and was looking for an outlet to move / express herself without doing further damage to her body. What she found was a goldmine of information that helped her recover and inspired her to dive deeper into the world of holistic movement methods and movement as therapy. She moved to Israel about 6 years ago and works as a free-lance dance artist and teacher in TLV.